Introducing Management Training-Communication-1
Even when the receiver receives the message and makes a gunine effort to decode it, a number of interferences may limit the receivers understanding. These obstacles are called barriers to communication. These barriers may entirely prevent a communication, filter out part of it, or give it incorrect meaning. There are three types of barriers in the communication
a. Personal barrier- These are communication interferences that arise from human emotions, values, and poor listening habits. They may also arise from differences of education, race. Sex, socioeconomic status and other factors.
b.Physical barriers- These are communication interferences that occur in the environment in which the communication takes place. A typical physical barrier is a sudden distracting noise that temporarily drowns out a voice message others are distance between people, walls, etc.
c.Semantic barriers- Semantics is the science of meaning, as constructed with phonetics, the science of sounds. Nearly all communication is symbolic, that is it is achieved with symbol (words, pictures and actions0 that suggest certain meanings. These symbols are merely a map that describes a territory, but they are not the real territory itself, hence they must be decoded and interpreted by the receiver.
Semantic barrier arise from limitations in the symbols with which we communicate. Symbols usually have a variety of meanings and we have to choose one from many.
Keith Davis lists the following commandments:
- Stop talking- You cannot listen if you are talking.
- Put the talker at ease-Help the talker feel that she or he is free to talk.
- Show the talker that you want to listen- Look and act interested. Do not read your mail while she or he talks.
- Remove distractions- Don’t doodle, tap, or shuffle papers. Offer to shut the door.
- Empathize with the talker- Try to put yourself in the talker’s place so you can see that point of view.
- Be patient – Allow plenty of time. Do not interrupt.
- Hold your temper - An angry manager gets the wrong meaning of words.
- Go easy on argument and criticism - This puts the talker in the defensive. Do not argue, even if you win, you lose.
- Ask questions – This encourage the talker and shows you are listening.
- Stop talking - This is the first and last, because all other commandments depend on it. You cannot be an effective listener while you are talking.
- Nature give people two ears but only one tongue, which is a gentle hint that they should listen more than they talk.
- Listening requires two ears, one for meaning and one for feeling.
- Decision makers who do not listen have less information for making sound decision.
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