Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Introducing Interflow Management

Interflow Management is a most effective system for a manufacturing company. Here i discus about the system which already we maintain our factory. Hope this will helpful for your company.

The philosophy:
Good communication in any company gives employees at all levels a feeling of belonging by keeping people informed and by providing an opportunity to contribute to overall operation of the enterprise.
It is intended to exchange the ideas and concerns between the management and the workers. That is the two-way communication on an ongoing basis.
Planning includes the broad based participation in the preparation of strategic plan such as preparing of annual estimate, budgeting of departmental expenses etc.
Decision making ranges from determining the type of equipment use for a particular design, availability of cutting dies, last, repairing of any machine in the line, training for any particular skill etc.
To be able to achieve this it is essential that all necessary information be available to a broad spectrum of people.  Fear of damaging leakages of business information should not be allowed to create an environment of secretiveness and misinformation.
To make it possible to bring all these important people into the planning, information and decision – making process in a more formal way a system called “Interflow”. Especially it improves the relationship between the first line supervisor and the operators.


  1. To ensure that every one working in the company feels they are participating in the venture.
  2. To make information relevant to the operation of the department and company available to all levels of management.
  3. To create good two –way communication.
  4. To strengthen the relationship between the first-line supervisor and his subordinates.

Why it is important:

  1. In order to work to their peak potential, people need to communicate.
  2. It gives a very large and important group of people, those operating the machines an opportunity to receive information and express opinions.
  3. Interflow is an important part of the overall management of the company.

( B )Who should be selected?:

Efficient employees with leadership experience and respect of his peers should be selected.
 Number should be minimum 3 to maximum 6 employees depending on the number of people working in a dept.( as a general rule there should be 1 interflow team member for every 5 employees working in a dept.

Rotation of interflow members:

Member should serve for a limited period of time. Each member should serve for at least 6 months and one member could be replaced approximately every two months, to ensure a cycle of continuity. It may be beneficial to form a core of 1 or 2 key members who would serve for a longer period.

( C ) Location:

It can be decided by discussing to select a convenient place.

Principle to be followed:
  1. A commitment to interflow.
  2. A positive approach.
  3. Address important issues.
  4. Follow-up.
What are the steps to be taken?
  • Pre-schedule meeting.
  • Prepare agenda.
  • Chair the meeting.
  • Communicate information.
  • Record items that arise.
  • Initiate prompt action.
  • Report back and follow-up.

  • Supervisor must be well trained in the techniques of Interflow management.
  • There must be conscientious preparation for each meeting.
  • Every one- Supervisors, team members, managers, - must adopt a positive approach.
  • Every member must be willing to participate and contribute.
  • There must be immediate follow-up and feedback on all points.
To conclude the session:
Interflow Management
Interflow Management Format


Department manager:

  1. Organize interflow in his dept.
  2. Be sure that the meetings are scheduled and held.
  3. Channel relevant information from the management team to the interflow chairman.
  4. Review records of meeting.
  5. Take action on points that require his attention.
  6. Pass information of interest from interflow meetings to higher levels of management.
  7. Give support and recognition to interflow chairman and members.

Interflow chairman:

  • Actively gather information of interest from all sources, including his superiors.
  • Prepare and conduct meaningful meeting.
  • Pass on and gather points from his team members.
  • Report topics discussed to management.
  • Ensure prompt follow-up on points raised.
  • Actively create and reinforced team spirit in the interflow group and his dept. as a whole.

Interflow team members:

  1. Collect ideas and concerns from fellow employees. 
  2. Offer opinions and suggestions readily during interflow meetings.
  3. Pass information discussed during meetings to their colleagues.

(B)“Remember – Interflow management is not just a separate group of meetings held for supervisors and their subordinates to communicate, but, in fact, it is an essential part of the overall management of the company and a crucial ingredient in the total human relations activity.”

“Interflow must therefore; be managed with as much care and commitment as all other aspect s of the business. Interflow is something that must be developed until it is a meaningful and vibrant part of working life.” 



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